Here are the questions some of my Vancouver clients ask me, especially students who are submitting documents for editing and proofreading.
What is the editing process?
I can do your edit in one of three ways:
Edit your document directly and e-mail it back to you as a final copy
"Track changes” in the document so that you can see the changes that I’ve made. This allows you to accept or reject each change. (This option may not work for some projects that require more radical changes to the order of the text.)
Edit a hard copy with an old-fashioned red pen, then scan the document and e-mail it you. This method allows you to see my suggested changes in the old-fashioned hard-copy way. Again, this option doesn’t work as well for documents that need deep changes made to it. But it’s a great option for documents that are already in fair shape and just need some fine tuning.
Occasionally, I will have some questions for you but usually I can just work straight from the document. If necessary I will call or e-mail you with questions.
How do I know how much it will cost?
I always ask for a sample of your document so that I can give you an estimate as to how long it will take me. I can then offer you a rough estimate as to how much it will cost. We can also discuss a flat-fee rate in many cases.
Do you require a deposit?
It depends on the length of your document. For most projects you can just pay after it's complete and I have sent you an invoice. For longer projects, I may ask for a 30% deposit before I begin work.
How much does it cost if my paper is already fairly well-written?
If your document is truly in good shape already, I can edit and proofread a 10-page paper in about 1-2 hours. However, many documents require more time than this. A paper that requires major restructuring or language correction can take significantly longer. If you wish, I can give you an estimate once I’ve had a quick look at the document.
Do you edit papers for ESL students? How long does that typically take?
I am happy to help ESL students on their papers. Of course every project is different, but these papers typically take longer to edit. Again, if you like I can offer you an estimate once I have seen the paper. In some cases, it’s just a matter of cleaning up the language and grammar which doesn’t actually take that much time. Structural problems are the things that tend to add time to the editing stage.
How long do you take to edit a document?
Usually I can get a 10-page document back to you within two to three business days. If you need a quicker turnaround, get in touch with me right away. For an additional $50 rush fee I can likely help you out. However, if your paper requires major structural changes then more time is generally needed.
What if I need to cancel after I’ve already asked for your editing service?
If you need to cancel, please let me know as soon as possible. You will still be responsible for paying for the hours that I have spent. While I don’t currently charge any additional cancellation fee, you will not receive your edited copy back until you have paid your invoice in full.
Will you help me get a better grade?
Of course there are no guarantees. The ideas you present in academic papers are yours, not mine. That being said, presenting your ideas in the best possible language will help immensely. A disorganized paper with grammatical errors could have great ideas but they can be challenging to find underneath the mess. However, a well-written and organized paper make your ideas clear and engaging.
What's included in a full edit?
A full edit will go through four editing stages:
Substantive/structural editing: Clarify and reorganize a document for content and structure.
Style editing: Clarify meaning, eliminate jargon, create polish and flow.
Copy editing: Edit for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Check for consistency of mechanics and for internal consistency of facts.
Final Proofreading: Check page proofs of formatted, edited material for adherence to design and for minor, mechanical errors in copy (such as spelling mistakes or small deviations from a style sheet).